Today's sentence

Today's sentence

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you ..
You just got to find the ones worth suffering for

Today's sentence

I may not be the kind of girl you think that I am ..

Today's sentence

Prove that you love me ..

Today's sentence

Me and you, just us two .. ♥

Today's sentence

kan du inte säga det nykter, så håll käften ..

Today's sentence

Skit i mitt liv, du har väl ett eget ?

Today's sentence

Om tjejer är billiga så är fan killar gratis ...

Today's sentence

Forget about the people from your past
cause there's a reason why they didn't
make it to your future

Today's sentence

Glöm igår, Lev för idag, Be för imorgon

Today's sentence

Döm inte allt du ser, tro inte på allt du hör, säg inte allt du vet ..

Today's sentence

What happend with the thing you called love ?

Today's sentence

I'm done tryin. If you want me in your life, let me know. BYE !!

Today's sentence

Suck my dick. Sorry my mom told me not to put small things in my mouth ..

Today's sentence

Du var snygg men din personlighet gjorde dej ful ..

Today's sentence

I can forgive, but I can never forget ..

Today's sentence

A real man doesn't love a million girls, he loves one girl in a million ways ..

Today's sentence

Love isn't so easy ..

Today's sentence

What are you smiling at ? Nothing I just love you ..


Remember M, remember E,
Put them together and remember me ..

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