Today's sentence

I ain't short, its just everybody elese who is very TALL !!

Today's sentence

Every race has a beautiful people in it ..

Today's sentence

Don't lie to yourself

Today's sentence

A drunk man's words, are a sober man's thoughts ..

Today's sentence

Love me or hate me, either way I'm on your mind ..

Till A

Where ever you are
What ever you do
You must remember
I do really like you

Kom ihåg de M

Where ever you are
What ever you do
You must remember
That I'm still going to kill you !

Today's sentence

Den finaste kan vara den fulaste på insidan ..

Today's sentence

Tre ord till dej glöm, aldrig, mej ..

That´s so true

God made a mistake, that mistake where you ..

Today's sentence

Black men for White women

Today's sentence

Boy's with style, make us smile ..

I miss ma boo ..

Today's sentence

I don't need you boy, I need a MAN !!

Today's sentence

With me you are something, but without me you are nothing baby ..

Today's sentence

Utsidan lockar, Insidan chockar ..

Today's sentence

Me + You .. ♥

Today's sentence

The world belongs to me, and nobody else ..

Så äre ..

Du har too much luft i dej, så hosta innan du flyger ...

Today's sentence

Take them like toys, they are only boys .. !

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